Bulk Import
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Last updated
This Bulk Import feature allows you to create a large number of Safe Swap orders easily with the power of the VyFi Tx Cart! To Initiate this process please use our "Bulk Import" feature.
Depending on the type of orders you are trying to create you should be able to create about 70-85 orders in a single transaction, you may have to play with the number of orders to maximize a single transaction. Currently this import feature accepts the JSON format, which can be uploaded here
You will then need to confirm the Bulk Order through our transaction cart
*feeRatio is the amount of ADA fee you want to pay and how much you want to pass on to the person completing the order. If you set it to 100 you will pay the full fee, if set to 0 you will pass the full fee onto the user completing the order. 50 would make you split the fee 50/50 etc.
Here is an example of the JSON for a private sale:
If policyId or assetId is left blank we will assume ADA. The token quantity should be in lovelace format so if the token has decimals make sure you account for this.
For a public sale the only difference is the buyerAddress will be left blank. This allows any wallet to complete this order. See example below:
For a claim order you will want to leave all tokenB values blank and the tokenBQuantity set to 0 as we do not want anything in return. Here is an example of this structure: